About Rabbie 創業兔

高而芬(Rabbie),畢業於交大資訊與財金管理學系,在網路新創領域擁有超過八年的市場開發經驗,曾在跨國金融科技新創 INSTO 擔任產品經理,台灣領先的線上教育平台 Hahow 擔任執行長特助。擅長新市場商業開發、策略分析與規劃、合作夥伴關係建立、募資與投資人關係。2019 – 2022 年間協助 Hahow 從零到一建立企業端服務方案 Hahow for Business,成功與台新金控、趨勢科技等 10 家以上大型企業與組織合作,並連續獲得 Pre-A、A、B 輪融資,融資金額共 1,400 萬美金。網路筆名高小兔(www.rabbiekao.com),熱愛分享與協助創業者有效連結到所需的人脈與資源。

Rabbie (Erh-Fen) Kao (aka 小兔) is an entrepreneurial BD and a startup ecosystem connector in Taiwan. With 8+ years of experience in a fast-paced startup environment. Rabbie is proficient at business development, partnership management, business strategy, fundraising and investor relations. She helps start-up companies gain a competitive edge and increase revenue by identifying new business opportunities, building effective go-to-market strategies, and forging and developing relationships with companies or key accounts that enable continued rapid growth.

Rabbie loves food, TV show, and helping people get the right connections and resources to start their own business. Her blog, Rabbie 創業兔, has provided inspirations and insight about innovation and entrepreneurship, business development, and personal growth to the millions of readers in the startup community in Taiwan. She received her B.S. majoring in Information and Finance Management from the National Chiao Tung University in Taiwan.

Reach out if you want to connect!

Email: rabbiekao [at] gmail.com

Website: www.rabbiekao.com

LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/rabbiekao/

Instagram: www.instagram.com/rabbiekao/

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