跟 David S. Rose 學簡報技巧 – How to pitch to a VC (TED Talk 2007)

其實 David S. Rose 這則 TED Talk 我很早以前就看過,不過當時沒有太大感觸,直到今天在交大加速器中心,對一群為了參加 APEC 而順道參訪交大,來自矽谷、荷蘭、東京、首爾、上海、曼谷、印尼等地的加速器(accelerator)、育成中心(incubator)與創投公司(VC)之專業經理人面前做簡報,介紹 Yes Co-working Space 之後,才驚覺 David S. Rose 的演說可說是相當有參考價值。不管是創業家要對投資人提案,或是一般人要對大眾做簡報,他在演說中所提到的人格特質與簡報技巧,都值得我們反覆思量。

David S. Rose: How to pitch to a VC (TED Talk 2007)
David S. Rose 講話速度很快,開門見山不囉唆的講了一個大重點……
“Overall, of all the things that you have to do, what is the single most important thing the VC is going to be investing in? Somebody? What? Audience: People. People? You! That’s it — you are the person. And so therefore the entire purpose of a VC pitch is to convince them that you are the entrepreneur in whom they are going to invest their money and make a lot of money in return.” 
– David S. Rose, Venture Capitalist
(以下摘錄 David S. Rose 的演講重點)
  1. Integrity 正直
  2. Passion 熱情
  3. Experience 經驗
  4. Knowledge 知識
  5. Skill 技能
  6. Leadership 領導力
  7. Commitment 誠信
  8. Vision 願景
  9. Realism 實際
  10. Coachability 受教
  1. Logical presentation. 有邏輯的簡報。
  2. Start like a rocket. Grab everyone’s emotional attention. 一開場就要使人驚豔。
  3. Take them on a very solid, steady, upward path. 用你的節奏引導觀眾。
  4. At the very end you’ve got to — boom! — pull them in, knock them out of the park. 在結尾時來一記全壘打。
  1. company logo 公司 logo
  2. quick 15-second or 30-second intro 用兩三句話快速概述公司業務
  3. management team 管理團隊
  4. the size of the market 市場大小
  5. never do a live demo. Do a canned demo. 儘量不要現場示範,最好預錄好示範影片
  6. validation 市場實證,是否已有生意夥伴或是通路管道
  7. competition 競爭者分析
  8. whole picture 投資報酬的整體藍圖
  9. how much you actually want to get 希望得到的投資金額
  10. What’s the money in so far? Who invested? 目前的投資情形?自己是否有投資?
  11. What’s the capital structure up until this point? 目前為止的資本結構?
  12. bring it back to that conclusion 將話題帶入最後的結論,做完美的總結
  1. Always use presenter mode, or Ovation, or presenter tools. 永遠使用報告模式。
  2. Always use remote control. 永遠使用簡報器。
  3. The handouts you give are not your presentation. 講義的資料跟簡報不同。
  4. Don’t read your speech. 不要念稿。
  5. Never, ever look at the screen. 千萬不要看螢幕。
目前在交大產業加速器中心協助 Yes Co-working Space 的營運,幫助新時代的創業家成功。同時也是 AppUniverz 的執行秘書,滔客數位科技誌主編與科技媒體兼職作者。喜愛高科技、喜愛交朋友、喜愛到處旅遊,是一隻對資訊狂熱的兔子。夢想是十年後與有導演夢的弟弟一起創業,將想法付諸行動,讓世界看見台灣。http://about.me/erhfen/


Rabbie Kao
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